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100% Grain Free, Grass Only Beef
from Tularosa Springs

As we are committed to delivering fresh meat we will only accept orders from customers who wish their orders be delivered within New Mexico.
Thank you for your understanding.


Farm to Family

Tularosa Farm & Ranch is a 124 acre property situated in a lush, green, sub-irrigated Cienega at 6,200 feet altitude, at the edge of the Gila Wilderness about 3 hours drive south-west of Albuquerque, NM. Our cattle drink from 3 natural springs year-round. For 6 months the Tularosa Creek runs through the ranch and offers itself as an additional watering source for our livestock.
Its owners Wolfgang and Monica Rempen are dedicated to produce healthy food – as they say: “You are what you eat”. So you are only as healthy as your food-intake allows…



Tularosa Springs Beef is beyond organic. They are born and raised on our local farm in Aragon, New Mexico. Our 100% grain-free, grass only beef is more than an old tradition refined - we've started a new one. ​Cows are ruminant animals which have a specific digestive system designed for a lifetime of grass consumption. After being born, cattle slowly wean from consuming their mother's milk to eating grasses as well. We ensure that our cattle maintain a natural diet by raising them along the grass-rich banks of the Tularosa River on our farm in Southern New Mexico. 

"The new Beef."

— Wolfgang & Monica Rempen


Happy Grain Free Pasture Raised Cattle


Grass only!

Our 100% Grain-Free, Grass-Only, Free Range, Pastured animals live and eat very differently! 😊
Considering that all beef are biologically intended to be herbivores, eating vegetation, we decided our cattle should live on open range/pasture grasses. To insure optimal health we have minerals available for our cattle to consume as they choose.
100% grain-free, grass-only cattle receive no fattening grain subsidy before slaughter.

But is our meat really different from Grass-fed and Grass-finished, Organic, or Pastured beef?

Let’s look at what those terms really mean?…